Frequently Asked Questions
When is service provided?
Services are provided weekdays from 9:00am-7:00pm.
Do you provide 1 hour sessions?
1 hour sessions are provided, however it is dependent on the individual's age and needs.
Where do you provide therapy?
Therapy is provided in your in your home, office, in school or remotely. All therapy sessions are dependent on therapist availability.
What are therapy sessions like?
Through structured play activities, an individual is encouraged to use language to communicate his or her wants and needs. Sensory, fine motor and gross motor development are also encouraged in therapy activities. Therapy is best targeted with just clinician and individual present in a room to reduce distractions and encourage the use of language.
Can parents or siblings observe or participate in the session?
Family is always encouraged to observe as long as they are not a distraction to the individual. Upon completion of session, clinician will provide individual and/or parents with carryover strategies and activities to work on. Parent carryover of therapy techniques encourages child's success.
Are you prompt trained?
Yes our speech therapists are prompt trained and will incorporate prompts into therapy programs.
What population have you worked with?
Experience working with individuals who have:
Language delays
bilingual language delays
Voice disorders
Accent Coaching/intelligibility enhancement
Specific learning impairment
Attention deficit disorder
Attention deficit hyper disorder
Autism Spectrum disorder
Down Syndrome
Severe Cognitive Disabilities
Hearing Loss
Stuttering difficulties
DiGeorge Syndrome
And many others....